Must-have mural supplies

Mural Season is upon us. Yay! Are you starting in Mural Art and have no clue what supplies to use?

Well, today I am going to write about supplies I love. Please know that this is my personal experience. I invite you to experiment with mural art and try as many supplies as possible, and you will get your favs. For now, here are my top favourite mural art supplies:

  1. Montana Black Spray Paint. They have an incredible amount of colours. This spray paint has a bit of a learning curve, and I am still learning, but it is the bomb! (pun intended)

  2. Posca Acrylic Markers. I am a sucker for Posca. I used them a lot in school in my defence, so I know they are tricky sometimes. On a side note, a friend of mine, who also paints murals, once outlined her work late at night with Black Posca. She left it overnight without realizing rain was in the forecast. To her absolute horror, and mine too, her marker outline bled, and she had to repaint a big chunk of her mural. So, do not tell me I didn’t warn you. Use them when you know they have time to dry and stick.

  3. Montana level 1 cap. I love them, and I have nothing else to say. They allow you control. However, I suggest you try them out and see what each of the basic five levels does.

  4. Behr Marquee- 237mL sample size. It is an incredible size, and I adore it. I can get lots of colours and try out the ones I want in more significant quantities. Relatively inexpensive, easy to store and durable. Need I say more?

  5. The iPad + Pencil + Procreate. I can’t tell you how much of a game-changer the iPad was for me. It allows me to do sketches faster. When I went to school (a thousand years ago), the iPad for drawing was not a thing and Procreate was not even in my wildest dreams. This app has helped me advance in my art, and I am an absolute fan!

Bonus supplies:

  • Canvas Drop Cloth: I avoid using plastic, and paper is not a good alternative for me.

  • Flat Brushes in different sizes: they allow you for small details

Well… that was that!

Have a lovely day


Grow your practice with this list!


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